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Facebook Canvas for Apartment Marketing Now Available on Instagram

Facebook Canvas for Apartment Marketing Now On Instagram

You don’t have to be a marketing guru to know that most people spend an inordinate amount of time in front of their phones. That screen time has become increasingly desirable to advertisers. Yet up until recently, most mobile advertising has been lagging (to say the least) with unchecked ad proliferation propagated by Facebook and immature mobile technology which make user experiences slow and disjointed.  


On average, websites are three times larger than they were just five years ago, and that trend will only continue increasing. The challenge for advertisers has been finding ways to tell compelling brand stories on mobile that are both enjoyable and effective.

Facebook Canvas (now available on Instagram!) is the solution: a new post-click, full-screen immersive mobile ad experience that loads nearly instantly. Not only is it technically optimized for mobile, it’s also designed with engagement as a top priority so that businesses can tell stories in a highly creative way and share relevant information immediately after someone clicks on an ad.

How Canvas Works


Canvas gives multifamily marketers the ability to create a multimedia-rich, fully immersive mobile advertising experience that is strategically customized to achieve virtually any business or marketing objective. To really break it down for you, Canvases are like mini websites built within Facebook’s advertising framework. They appear as regular Facebook ads in the News Feed as well as within Instagram stories, but open up to a full-screen experience that combines images, video, text and call-to-action buttons for a truly seamless user experience that is both on brand and on point.

As Facebook explains: “Within a Canvas, people enjoy moving through digital stories easily. They can swipe through a carousel of images, tilt to view panoramic images and zoom in to view images in detail, making the Canvas experience immersive and engaging in a way that mobile sites aren’t. And Canvas uses the same technology that makes photos and videos load quickly on Facebook, so it loads as much as 10 times faster than the standard mobile web.”

Besides the fact that Canvas ads load 10 times faster than the average mobile website, users spend an average of 31 seconds viewing Canvas ads. Over half of all Facebook users access the social network exclusively on mobile devices; that’s 1.44 billion mobile users monthly — a huge opportunity for marketers!

Why It’s Effective

Canvas has the potential to be a huge game changer for mobile advertisers. First and foremost: it’s fast. Click and you are immediately immersed in an app-like experience with a full-screen, interactive experience. Canvas also emphasizes engagement, which is the most important marker for effective advertising, especially in a world where advertising is so prolific and easy to ignore.

While Canvas is immersive, it’s not intrusive. This isn’t a pop-up ad that takes over your entire screen and holds you hostage. By the time your thumb crosses the screen, you’re already back in Facebook, creating a completely seamless experience. This increases the likelihood of engagement because users take comfort in knowing they can exit the ad just as quick as they clicked into the ad.

Canvas is also a smart way to place content. It can be used almost like a mini website, where everything you want users to find and interact with is in one compact package.

How GTMA is Telling Better Stories With Canvas

Let us bring your community to life on the world’s largest social network with Facebook Canvas (also available on Instagram). We’ll create an immersive, mobile multimedia experience that is instantly engaging. We’ll take your vision and design a custom-branded Facebook or Instagram Canvas with any combination of video, still images, text and call-to-action buttons that drive traffic to your website.

Canvas Ads load 10 times faster than the average mobile website content, which means your message gets to your target audience 10 times faster. GTMA is using Canvas ads on Facebook and Instagram to reach people just like YOU, just as you should be with your potential residents!

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