Apartment Marketing Photography Property Videos Video Marketing

Check Out Our Vis Prod Packages

One of our core values at GTMA is “ever-evolving.” When we see a need, we evolve to meet that need. Sometimes that means pivoting what we are doing, and sometimes that means growing and offering more. The newest evolution at GTMA is going to greatly benefit our client partners. We are excited to introduce our new Visual Production packages.

So what is so special about our new Vis Prod packages? Let’s unpack that together.

We cannot overstate the importance of having high-quality content for social campaigns for your communities. The goal of these Vis Prod packages is to remove as many barriers as possible that would prevent our client partners from taking full advantage of our production crew and our creative energy. The two main deterrents we find that keep this from happening are pricing and understanding what to add on. By grouping all of this amazing content together into these packages, we can bring the cost down, and make the selection process easier.

Why do we want to bundle so much variety in content for you?

Because while high-quality content is important, thinking about where and how that content will be used is just as important. It’s great to have a video that shows off everything in your community, but you will also need some content that is specifically designed to drive leads or point future renters to the website. You might have one specific amenity or feature or finish that is a crucial selling point and deserves its own short video or Micro-Moment. There are also many different platforms to cover, so one video might be great on Facebook, while a shorter, vertically shot video does better on Instagram Stories. We shoot all videos or Micro-Moments with your paid ads in mind; keeping the size and length of the video appropriate for that ad platform. The more content you have that has a strategic purpose, the better.

What exactly is wrapped into the new Vis Prod packages?

For the most part, each package takes one of our main video offerings (Lifestyle Video, Home Tour…) and adds in two cinemographs and three Micro-Moments. To learn more about the Micro-Moments and all the “cool” that goes with them, check this blog out. So now, instead of just one video to show off, you will have a minimum of 6 pieces of content to use. Below is a complete list of our new Visual Production packages. 

The Creative Content Collection Delivers

Of all the new packages, the one that we are the most excited about is the Creative Content Collection (CCC). There are a couple of reasons why this one stands out to us. For one, this package is a unique combination of elements and serves to get you the most amount of content out of any of the packages. The CCC is a unique pairing of our short form video, so there is a lot more variety. The second reason why this package is so great is that it is specifically catered to the purpose of getting a lot of original and unique content for you. The package also includes photography that can be used in many different ways across all of your digital marketing campaigns including as cinemographs or GIFs. Having access to our photographers will serve as a huge plus. If you don’t have any needs for the community photos, we can grab shots of the staff or surrounding area to help sell (tell the story?) the lifestyle on social networks.

There is also a Hero Video that will serve as a slightly longer showcase for your community. Its great for posting, sharing and can be utilized on your website as a featured video or background video. You also get two cinemographs and three Micro-Moments to go along with that, which can be spread out over several months to give longevity to its usage. These short-form videos are also perfect for using in your paid ad campaigns.

Content is king, and by taking advantage of these packages from our award-winning Visual Production team, you can easily and affordably beef up your arsenal of marketing material to tell your communities story. 

Apartment Marketing Photography Property Videos Video Marketing




New Social Media Marketing Packages