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First Agency in Real Estate Marketing to Pilot Innovative CPC Program

Yelp CPC GTMA Real Estate Marketing

Today, GTMA is excited to announce that we have been selected as the only agency in the real estate vertical, and one of only four agencies in the country, to pilot a new Yelp CPC ad format. Let’s take a look at what’s included!


This new format allows searchers to skip the Yelp profile and go directly from a Yelp ad to your website link or phone number. A profile with bad reviews is no longer an obstacle!

We consistently find that searches on Yelp looking at apartments have what we call a “high intent to rent.” Those future residents are reading reviews and intend on making a buying decision based on what they find. So, why not introduce yourself to a potential resident while they are reading reviews of your competitors?


Yelp has also allowed GTMA, the premier apartment, student living, and senior living digital marketing agency, to layer in click-to-call (iOS devices) ads and driving directions ads. Again, both tactics allow you to bypass the Yelp profile giving apartment managers more chances of getting great referral traffic from Yelp to your website. This is an amazing new option for any advertiser who wants to move interested searchers more quickly along their purchase journey.


Lastly, we are also announcing that we’ve recently implemented a new agency-first Yelp “negative keywords” optimization that gives us unprecedented control over which Yelp searches trigger our ads. Negative Keywords are words that, if used in the search, will cause your ad to NOT display. So, if you are a luxury apartment and a searcher on Yelp types in “affordable apartments” and that is listed as a Negative Keyword in your account then your Yelp ad will not show up in that specific query.

The combined effect of these Yelp CPC ad enhancements is sure to deliver better results by driving more qualified traffic to your apartment, student housing, or real estate development website. The only way to utilize these features is by partnering with GTMA. So, if you’re interested, please reach out to our partnerships team!

To learn more about the benefits of Yelp and our industry-first partnership check out our blog GTMA + YELP.

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