Apartment Marketing Digital Marketing Multifamily Social Media

Social Media Predictions for 2015 with Joshua Swanson

As always, when the year draws to a close, social media experts, bloggers, and digital marketing consultants make predictions about the future. I’m no different. In my chosen field of apartment marketing and restaurant marketing, the future of social media has a dramatic effect on the bottom lines of my clients’ balance sheets. So I’m throwing down the predictions gauntlet AGAIN in this video blog on social media predictions for 2015. Here are just a couple to get you started, but the real juice is in the video: 

Prediction #1: By the end of 2015, Apple will sell more watches than Rolex

That’s right, Rolex, with an 11% market share of the 1.2 billion wrist watches sold annually, will sell 142 million watches next year; but Apple will beat them becoming the third largest wristwatch retailer in the world. In addition to this prediction, I predict that Joan Rivers, God rest her soul, will post about the Apple Watch from the grave just like she did the iPhone 6. Remember that, yeah, #socialmediafail. AND another quick prediction, someone who watches this video blog will buy me an Apple watch – you know who you are, Mom, I’m talking to you.

Prediction #2: Facebook will completely stop brand pages from reaching their audience organically.

They said  recently that “Pages that post promotional creative should expect their organic distribution to fall significantly over time.” That’s the voice of Facebook. Basically, if your brand post is enticing a person to make some kind of transaction or pushing people to enter a sweepstakes or contest and you don’t pay to boost your post, Facebook will hide it completely. So think about allocating some of those marketing dollars to Facebook advertising if you want your brand’s content to be seen. The Facebook investor wins again!

Watch the full video above for the rest of my 2015 social media predictions. See how well I did on my 2014 predictions (think Facebook stock), and if you’re interested in keeping the conversation going you can find me @Joshua_Swanson. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you online in 2015.

Apartment Marketing Digital Marketing Multifamily Social Media




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