Hello Friends, fans, and social media fanatics! One of our core values here at GTMA is integrity, which works its way into the products and services that we offer our client partners. Our goal is to only utilize platforms that we truly believe will benefit our campaigns and help us achieve your goals. In this environment of constant change that means that sometimes we need to pivot away from social networks that are no longer relevant.

Now, before you Twitter lovers freak out because you know what’s coming, know this…I did my research. We are privileged to work with hundreds of apartment communities managing thousands of different social networks on their behalf. So, I pulled some data and this is what I found.

Twitter Engagement In The Toilet

Engagement is the holy grail of social media metrics because it shows us what content is resonating with our audiences and what content isn’t. If we’re going to go to the effort of telling stories on your behalf we want those stories to be consumed! The loose definition of Twitter engagement is the amount of interactions received for each Tweet. Twitter engagement can include:

  • Likes
  • Retweets
  • Replies
  • @mentions
  • Follows
  • Profile clicks
  • Permalink clicks
  • Tweet expansion clicks
  • Link clicks

At GTMA we use Twitter to build relationships with local businesses, find and converse with potential residents, grow brand awareness, and sometimes even advertise. But are people vibing with the content we’re publishing? How’s the engagement? Are they even seeing it? Is our effort delivering results? The short answer, no.

The first thing we found was that the average number of engagements per follower on apartment Twitter accounts was .8. So every time we tweet less than 1 follower engages with the content. We’re talking thousands and thousands of followers across the whole agency and the average engagement rate per follower is less than 1.

Then we moved over to the tweets themselves and found the average engagement per tweet was, wait for it, 1.5. On average, per tweet we send out as an agency, and that’s literally millions a year, 1.5 people engage with the tweet. #Horrible

Instagram Engagement Is Growing

So, let’s compare those numbers to, say, Instagram since GTMA loves us some Instagram.

Engagements per follower on Instagram was 2.47. That’s a 208% increase over Twitter! Then, the big one, engagements per post was…wait for it…wait for it…23.77 or 1,486% increase over Twitter!

Those numbers are simply astounding and can’t be ignored. I just don’t feel right spending clients money in the form of GTMA managing their apartment Twitter accounts anymore when a platform like Instagram continues to blow up leaving Twitter behind.

The Pivot

With all of that in mind, we’ve decided that as an agency we’re no longer going to recommend Twitter as a platform for multifamily storytelling. Instead, we’re putting more emphasis on Instagram and introducing Instagram Stories & Highlights.

We’ve found Instagram to be a valuable tool with an ever-widening audience of engaged users and now with the launch of Instagram Stories & Highlights as a part of our Snackables micro-moments campaigns we feel our clients will benefit a great deal from increased reach and social engagement. GTMA will create and design an Instagram “Story” for clients to publish. Each will be multiple posts, designed, branded, hyper-local, and geared towards introducing your community to a new audience of potential renters.

Clients currently working with us on Twitter can also pivot from Twitter to additional Instagram and Facebook posts FOR FREE. For those clients that want to drop Twitter and add an additional Facebook post per week, the additional fee is also FREE.

For those clients that don’t currently let GTMA tell stories on your behalf on Instagram, reach out to our Partnerships Team to find out more about these powerful apartment marketing tools.

Thank you to all those clients out there who partner with GTMA and we promise to continue to pivot as an agency in this ever-evolving digital marketing world we all live in and love. Cheers!


Apartment Marketing Company Announcements Digital Marketing Multifamily Social Media Real Estate Development




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