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Apartment Marketing Using Facebook’s Retargeting Tools

Apartment Marketing using Retargeting on Facebook

Hopefully the reason you’re here reading this piece is because you were captivated by the above video, clicked our link and came to this article. You wouldn’t have been served the video via Facebook Exchange unless you had some interaction with GoToMyApartment before. Did you like our Facebook page, visit our website, watch one of our Facebook videos or maybe you’re on our email list? These are all different types of Custom Audiences available to us as digital marketers that we can utilize to bring you back to our brand and our message or “retarget” you. Welcome back! We’ll try and make your visit worth while.

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First, a question: are you retargeting future residents with Facebook advertising yet? Here are a few facts important to this conversation:

Those are some staggering statistics, but as you saw in the video, it makes sense, right? The best way to view this digital marketing technique is as your apartment communities “total recall” moment with your future residents. You’ve spent money on video content, photography, beautiful websites, PPC campaigns, ILS’s and social media management to try and introduce your community to that future resident and rent that apartment. You succeeded in that potential residents came, saw, but then left. Now, spend a bit more to get them back and close that deal and spend it in a place where you know they already are hanging out. On Facebook.

Stats show that 62% of users visit Facebook every 15 minutes. For 18-24 year olds, the number rises to 74%. On average, an US user visits Facebook almost 14 times a day and spends an average of 2 mins and 22 seconds per visit. Add to that the fact that there are 1.44 billion active users on Facebook as of the first quarter of 2015 to get a good idea of Facebook’s potential. Source

Close the deal and lease that apartment using the powerful retargeting techniques available to you via Facebook. Don’t know how? We can help.

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